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Tom Sawyer: Treasure Hunter
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Challenge Number 1 Challenge Number 2 Challenge Number 3 Challenge Number 4 Challenge Number 5 Challenge Number 6 Group Challenge Number 1 Group Challenge Number 2 {{bindleMessage}}
Challenge Number 1: Starting Off

Step 1 Choose a spot in the classroom to create your fort. What makes this area a good choice? Is it easily defended? Is it a comfortable place to lounge? Is it a hideaway? Write down a detailed description of why you chose this place as your fort.

Step 2 Write a group charter that includes answers to the following questions:

  • What is your group’s goal? Clearly, you want to find the treasure, but give more detail than that. What is your group’s philosophy?
  • What would make other people want to join your group?
  • How should other people think of your group?

Step 3 Present both documents to get clue #1.

  • An engaging and compelling narrative, establishing context and a clear point of view
  • Precise words and phrases, and sensory language that capture the action and convey experiences and events
  • Connections between each paragraph in order to create a cohesive piece of writing
  • Descriptive language, quotes or vocabulary from Tom Sawyer
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  • Go to chapter 13
  • Go to chapter 22
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Challenge Number 2: Survival Kit

Step 1 Look in the text and find what Joe, Huck, and Tom take with them when they go on their adventure. Make a list of what they consider to be essential or important items.

Step 2 What would you take with you on your adventures? Write a short composition about items you’d want with you on an adventure that lasts several days. Why would you take these particular items? Which are most essential? What items could be used in multiple ways?

Step 3 Present your written document in exchange for clue #3.

  • A strong introduction that sets up your argument or opinion and a concluding paragraph that sums up your thoughts
  • At least two quotes from the text and analysis of those quotations to back up your initial argument
  • Connections between each paragraph in order to create a cohesive piece of writing
  • Descriptive language, quotes or vocabulary from Tom Sawyer
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  • Go to chapter 13
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Challenge Number 3: Discover an Artifact

Step 1 Find an artifact or specimen—an uncommon or common object that you’ll describe as though seeing it for the first time. Treat this object like you’re the first person to ever discover it. Describe it in incredible detail. What makes this artifact amazing? Feel free to make up a story about the function of the object, or describe its function as something different from what it actually does. Be creative! However, any function you make up should still be based on the actual physical properties of the object.

Step 2 Present your artifact and document to the teacher to receive clue #5.

  • An engaging and compelling narrative, establishing context and a clear point of view
  • Precise words and phrases, and sensory language that capture the action and convey experiences and events
  • Connections between each paragraph in order to create a cohesive piece of writing
  • Descriptive language, quotes or vocabulary from Tom Sawyer
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Challenge Number 4: Injun Joe: Wrongfully Persecuted?

Step 1 Injun Joe’s motivations and character are not explained in any particular detail in the book. What are his motivations, according to the narrator? Write a one-page document from Injun Joe’s perspective. What would he emphasize? How would he write about himself? How would he tell his story to make himself seem sympathetic? Would he defend himself? Write in the first person as though you are Joe himself.

Step 2 Present the document
to the teacher to get clue #7.

  • A strong introduction that sets up your argument or opinion and a concluding paragraph that sums up your thoughts
  • At least two quotes from the text and analysis of those quotations to back up your initial argument
  • Connections between each paragraph in order to create a cohesive piece of writing
  • Descriptive language, quotes or vocabulary from Tom Sawyer
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  • Go to chapter 9
  • Go to chapter 12
  • Go to chapter 13
  • Go to chapter 29
  • Go to chapter 34
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Challenge Number 5: Who's Cooler: Tom or Huck?

Step 1 Look in the text to find evidence of who’s cooler: Tom Sawyer or Huck Finn. Pay particular attention to who gets more respect from other boys, who is more famous in the town, and who seems to be more nervous around the other or more eager to please the other.

Step 2 Using evidence from the text, write a document arguing that one character is cooler than the other.

Step 3 Present the document to the teacher to get clue #9.

  • A strong introduction that sets up your argument or opinion and a concluding paragraph that sums up your thoughts
  • At least two quotes from the text and analysis of those quotations to back up your initial argument
  • Connections between each paragraph in order to create a cohesive piece of writing
  • Descriptive language, quotes or vocabulary from Tom Sawyer
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  • Go to chapter 6
  • Go to chapter 10
  • Go to chapter 13
  • Go to chapter 14
  • Go to chapter 16
  • Go to chapter 24
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Challenge Number 6: Tom and Becky: Stay Together or Break Up?

Step 1 Look through the text and find and highlight instances of Tom and Becky’s romance. Find out how they fall in love, what causes their fights, and provide examples of important events they share together.

Step 2 Do you think they are a good couple?

  • If YES, write a letter from Tom or Becky’s perspective, commemorating their one-year anniversary. Mention how they fell in love and what moments you think they enjoyed sharing together the most.
  • If NO, write a letter from Tom or Becky’s perspective, in which one of them breaks up with the other. What does Tom do that drives Becky insane—or vice versa? What are their fights about? How would these characters feel about breaking up?

Present the document for clue #11.

  • A strong introduction that sets up your argument or opinion and a concluding paragraph that sums up your thoughts
  • At least two quotes from the text and analysis of those quotations to back up your initial argument
  • Connections between each paragraph in order to create a cohesive piece of writing
  • Descriptive language, quotes or vocabulary from Tom Sawyer
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  • Go to chapter 6
  • Go to chapter 7
  • Go to chapter 12
  • Go to chapter 17
  • Go to chapter 18
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Group Challenge Number 1: Storytelling

Step 1 Each student tells his or her group a story about something that actually happened to him or her.

Step 2 Each group chooses one story that everyone in the group will memorize and tell in the first person.

Step 3 The class comes together and each group takes a turn telling the group’s story. Each group member will tell the same story in the first person.

Step 4 Once everyone in a group has told the story, the other groups will have a moment to decide which group member’s story it actually is. Groups must come to a consensus. Each group will guess which student originally told the story.

Step 5 Once a group has announced its guess, the teacher will ask the group to explain its answer. What about that person’s storytelling felt authentic?

Step 6 The group who successfully guesses the original storyteller the most times, as well as deceives the most groups will get an extra hint toward the next clue.

Group Challenge Number 2: Compliment Contest

Step 1 You have 15 minutes to find all the relevant slang and compliments, and write your own combinations. Each student should put together five compliments. Pay attention, not only to dialogue from Tom, Huck, Aunt Polly, etc., but also to the narration.

Step 2 You must have at least two compliments taken directly from the text, but you can also make up your own compliments, using the style and language of Tom Sawyer and Mark Twain.

Step 3 Once your group has a list of 12–15 compliments, choose a champion.

Step 4 The champions from each group pair off for the compliment contest. Each pair will compliment each other in front of the entire class, then the class will vote on the winner.

Step 5 Winners move on to the next round until only one person is left.

Step 6 The winning student’s group gets an extra hint toward the clue of the group’s choice.

Go to current chapter
  • Go to chapter 3
  • Go to chapter 7
  • Go to chapter 13
  • Go to chapter 23
  • Go to chapter 24
  • Go to chapter 33
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  • Go to Preface
  • Go to chapter {{$index+1}}
  • Go to chapter 34
  • Go to chapter 35
  • Go to Conclusion
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{{$index + 1}}
Puzzle {{($index + 1)}}: {{puzzle.imgName}}
{{cellNum + 1}} black
{{$index + 1}}
Match the pattern on MARKER {{$index + 1}}
to get {{puzzle.reward}}

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